BioMeca solutions
BioMeca® studies mechanical structure and morphometry of ExtraCellular Matrix (ECM) synthetized by cancer cells. We focused with our partner on investigating specific cancer cells which express a putative protein tumor suppressors controlling cell death commitment.
BioMeca® is also able to quantify stiffness parameters of pancreatic tumour tissues with AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy). We will carry out experiments on mice pancreatic tumor tissues treated or not with a stromal modulator.
Light on our solutions
Case study
How to mechanically characterize the extracellular matrix synthesized by lung cancer cells ?
A new dependence receptors family (DR) has been discovered by one of our academic partner. These receptors inhibit tumor progression by inducing apoptosis when cancer cells are in absence of DR ligands. Due to the frequent inactivation of their apoptotic function in human cancers, DRs are now considered as tumor suppressors. A selective asset allowing tumor escape would be to lose this apoptotic function, either in losing DR itself or in increasing DR ligand presence.
Case study
How to characterize tissue stiffness in pancreatic cancer to modulate tumour progression ?

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