Efficacy tests for beauty care products
your cosmetic claims
in a new way
In vitro to ex vivo testing services
Innovative analytical methods

Our latest news

🚀 EASYSTIFF: The Biomechanical Revolution by BioMeca® is Here! 💥

EASYSTIFF, the only device capable of measuring the biomechanical properties of every skin compartment with extreme precision, and as of today, even the hypodermis! 🧬💡

🔍 With its revolutionary tomography module, EASYSTIFF performs measurements at incredibly fine intervals of 50 µm. No more guessing: you can now track product penetration into the skin in real-time 🕒, a true game-changer for cosmetic innovation and research!

Know more?

The applicative note for back-to-work 2023-2024: a pre/clinical method to assess the stratum corneum

A pre/clinical solution for characterizing the stratum corneum 🤓 Using corneocytes collected by D-squams from volunteers or skin biopsies, study the roughness of these cells or their degree of maturation in this precious skin compartment that serves as our barrier against external aggressions!


See the applicative note

Discover our new image focused on desquamation

Discover a skin explant topography performed by high-resolution AFM imaging. Some corneocytes involved in the desquamation process are visible.

See the image

The replay of our webinar on “Skin regeneration” is available

Discover the replay of our webinar on “Skin regeneration” presented by Jean-André LAPART, Lab Manager at BioMeca.

Watch the replay

BioMeca étudie vos échantillons biologiques avec la microscopie à force atomique

BioMeca characterizes biological samples and helps you to understand the impact of your active ingredients and the therapeutic effect of your molecules.

A team and tools dedicated to your developments

We offer tailor-made solutions to meet issues and challenges of health and well-being. We put our know-how and technologies at your service by offering you the possibility to study from biopsies to human cells through proteins, an essential component of our skin.

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Our happy clients

BioMeca is proud to have supported the R&D projects of its clients



They talk about us

« As an expert in biomechanics, BioMeca also presents image of dynamism and flexibility that characterizes a start-up. These are strengths that have helped us exploring this new science. »
Noelle Garcia
« We have developed a new efficiency test with spheroids, but we lacked the functional approach in biomechanics to validate the model that BioMeca was able to provide. »
Nicolas Bechetoille
« BioMeca brought us the solution to measure stiffness of cancerous tissues. We were able to establish a map of normal and tumoral pancreas thanks to their expertise in atomic force microscopy and confocal microscopy. »
Anca Hennino
« BioMeca solution allowed us to perform tests in short time and to benefit from an expertise that we absolutely don’t have in-house. Responsiveness was very decisive in our choice. »
Benjamin Gibert
Centre Léon Bérard – UNICANCER
« BioMeca’s team combines professionalism, competencies and efficiency, and adapts itself to customer’s requests, from carrying our tests to assistance in communication. »
Céline Laperdrix
Yves Rocher

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